Named one of "Top Prospects of 2015" by Music Connection Magazine
"(Mecaskey)’s got a rich, mature voice that lends weight and gravity to her songs." - Cool Cleveland
"The six songs here are evidence of a mature voice and an experienced songwriter. Mecaskey has a unique style that made me sit up and take notice right away." -Buzzard Tracks
"Morgan Mecaskey has a sound that pulls you in the from the get go and a voice that keeps you tuned it. She has given us her debut EP "Righteous Kind" and it will definitely leave you pining for a follow up. Get it now!" -Noisetrade
"Mecaskey’s first solo album, Righteous Kind, is a carefully crafted collection of six tunes that features a range of instrumentation, including violin, trombone, saxophone and flute. Lover Less Wild is another solid effort from one of the city's better sing-songwriters.” -Cleveland Scene
"(Mecaskey is) a genuine person with great song-writing ability, and a unique and beautiful voice. She plays a variety of instruments and experiments with an incredible variety of styles. Her music seems effortless yet it is packed full of deep lyrics, deft layers of sound, driving beats, and gorgeous vocals."
- Ear To The Ground Music
"(Mecaskey) has an interesting voice, evoking both jazz and rock influence." -NPR
"Having listened to "Righteous Kind" again and again there is not much room for other conclusions then a talent has risen. "Righteous Kind" shows depth, adventure, beauty and perfection in song writing, playing and arranging. Not to forget the very good production as this album sounds fantastic as well. Morgan Mecaskey: a name to follow." -WoNo Magazine (Netherlands)
"Mecaskey holds this whirlwind tour of music genres and styles together with her voice, which is a versatile, powerful, emotive engine. No matter what arrangement she’s leading, she’s in firm control of what’s happening. Her voice is at home wherever she lands it, which is as much a testament to her attitude and confidence as it is her immense songwriting chops. I don’t care if you’re listening to your favorite album of the year again (I know I am, no hate), you’ve got to check out Morgan Mecaskey’s Lover Less Wild. It will keep you spinning."
-Independent Clauses